Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The real score on law school and alcohol

So by now you've probably heard of the incessant rumor of law students having a rather strong propensity to consume copious amounts of alcohol as a way of destressing. You've probably pictured a group of otherwise sharp-looking twentysomethings packed in a bar, a bottle of beer on each hand, drinking from it like it's the end of the world.

Sorry to burst your bubble, though: this Amy Winehouse scene hardly happens in law school, if at all. I'm not exactly sure myself as to where this idea came from. The movies maybe? Or perhaps this is merely something that arose from hand-me-down tales spun by upperclassmen to lend spice and a hint of thrill to their otherwise drab lives as law students?

Ah, drabness -- in law school, there's just no escaping it. As if weekdays aren't enough to pore over cases and code provisions and deal with the attendant issues of self-doubts and fears of failing, weekends have to be spent wisely, too, mostly by poring over cases and code provisions and mustering the energy to get through another tough week. Getting drunk? Definitely not a good idea.

Trust me when I say I know only a very few people in law school who would risk a lot of what they've worked hard for just to satisfy their urge to get drunk. Law school is so demanding an endeavor, no decent law student would want to deliberately skip classes for a tall glass of beer, no matter how deliciously ice cold such beverage is. It just isn't done. At all.

In fact, the only time I see law students getting punch drunk is during semestral breaks. But even then it's always a toss-up between going out to drink or staying in to grab some sleep -- a precious, luxurious commodity law students are perenially deprived of on ordinary school days.

It's a tough world we live in -- law school, that is. Like everyone else, on most days I wonder whether it's all worth it. But I'd reserve waxing philosophical over this question until the next time I get drunk, which by all indicators isn't likely going to happen
anytime soon.

Know of any wild drunken moment while in law school? Share in the comments section below.