Tuesday, September 17, 2013


December 8, 1999 

Ynares-Santiago, J

·         Aniceta Reyes died in 1969 without her estate being settled. Her husband, Alejandro Dorotheo, died thereafter. 

·         In 1977, Lourdes Legaspi (aka as Lourdes Dorotheo, the live-in partner of Alejandro) filed a special proceeding for the probate of Alejandro's last will and testament, alleging that she took care of Alejandro before he died. In 1981, the lower court admitted said will to probate. This was not opposed by herein respondents, the legitimate children of Aniceta and Alejandro. 

·         In 1983, Aniceta and Alejandro's legitimate children filed a Motion to Declare the Will Intrinsically Void on account of the fact that Lourdes was not married to Alejandro and was therefore not considered an heir. The trial court granted the motion.

·         Lourdes filed a motion for reconsideration, arguing that she was entitled to some compensation since she took care of Alejandro prior to his death although she admitted that they were not married to each other. The lower court denied her motion. She then appealed before the CA, but the same was dismissed for her failure to file appellant's brief within the extended period granted. Subsequently, the CA order became final and executory. This was followed by a writ of execution issued by the lower court to implement the final and executory order. But herein respondents still had to file several motions including a motion to compel Lourdes to surrender to them the Transfer Certificates of Titles (TCT) covering the properties of the late Alejandro. When Lourdes refused to surrender the TCTs, the respondents filed a motion for cancellation of said titles and for issuance of new titles in their names. Lourdes opposed the motion.

·         In 1990, the lower court presided by Judge Angas issued an order to set aside the final and executory CA order and the attendant writ of execution. The judge argued that the order was merely interlocutory, hence not final in character. 

·         Expectedly, the respondents filed a motion for reconsideration, which Judge Angas denied. They then elevated their appeal before the CA, which nullified the orders of Judge Angas and upheld the validity of the prior final and executory CA order.

·         Hence, this petition for review by Lourdes..


Petition denied. CA ruling affirmed.

Whether a judgment on a probated will that has attained finality still subject to reversal? – NO.

·         A final and executory decision or order can no longer be disturbed or reopened no matter how erroneous it may be. In setting aside the 1986 Order that has attained finality, Judge Angas of the trial court in effect nullified the entry of judgment made by the CA. It is well settled that a lower court cannot reverse or set aside decisions or orders of a superior court, for to do so would be to negate the hierarchy of courts and nullify the essence of review. It has been ruled that a final judgment on probated will, albeit erroneous, is binding on the whole world.

·         If no appeal is taken in due time from a judgment or order of the trial court, the same attains finality by mere lapse of time. Thus, the order allowing the will became final and the question determined by the court in such order can no longer be raised anew, either in the same proceedings or in a different motion. The matters of due execution of the will and the capacity of the testator acquired the character of res judicata and cannot again be brought into question, all juridical questions in connection therewith being for once and forever closed. Such final order makes the will conclusive against the whole world as to its extrinsic validity and due execution.

On extrinsic and intrinsic validity of wills

·         Probate proceedings deals generally with the extrinsic validity of the will sought to be probated,[7] particularly on four aspects: (a) whether the will submitted is indeed, the decedents last will and testament; (b) compliance with the prescribed formalities for the execution of wills; (c) the testamentary capacity of the testator; (d) and the due execution of the last will and testament.

·         The intrinsic validity is another matter and questions regarding the same may still be raised even after the will has been authenticated. Thus, it does not necessarily follow that an extrinsically valid last will and testament is always intrinsically valid. Even if the will was validly executed, if the testator provides for dispositions that deprives or impairs the lawful heirs of their legitime or rightful inheritance according to the laws on succession, the unlawful provisions/dispositions thereof cannot be given effect. This is specially so when the courts had already determined in a final and executory decision that the will is intrinsically void. Such determination having attained that character of finality is binding on this Court which will no longer be disturbed.

Whether the final and executory CA order is erroneous. – THE SC CANNOT REEVALUATE THE MERITS OF A CASE THAT HAS ATTAINED FINALITY. 

·         The SC seems to be saying that Lourdes has a point and that the subject will may in fact be intrinsically valid, but it can't make a final determination because: A final and executory decision of which the party had the opportunity to challenge before the higher tribunals must stand and should no longer be reevaluated. Failure to avail of the remedies provided by law constitutes waiver. And if the party does not avail of other remedies despite its belief that it was aggrieved by a decision or court action, then it is deemed to have fully agreed and is satisfied with the decision or order.

·         Public policy and sound practice demand that, at the risk of occasional errors, judgments of courts must at some point of time fixed by law become final otherwise there will be no end to litigation. Interes rei publicae ut finis sit litium - the very object of which the courts were constituted was to put an end to controversies. To fulfill this purpose and to do so speedily, certain time limits, more or less arbitrary, have to be set up to spur on the slothful. The only instance where a party interested in a probate proceeding may have a final liquidation set aside is when he is left out by reason of circumstances beyond his control or through mistake or inadvertence not imputable to negligence, which circumstances do not concur herein.

Whether the order declaring Alejandro's will to be intrisically invalid merely interlocutory. – NO.
·         Lourdes posits that said order is merely interlocutory, therefore it can still be set aside by the trial court. She argues that an order merely declaring who are heirs and the shares to which set of heirs is entitled cannot be the basis of execution to require delivery of shares from one person to another particularly when no project of partition has been filed.

·         But the SC noted that in the same Order, the trial court also said that the estate of the late spouses be distributed according to the laws of intestacy, given that Lourdes is not the legal wife. Accordingly, it has no option but to implement that order of intestate distribution and not to reopen and again re-examine the intrinsic provisions of the same will.

·         No intestate distribution of the estate can be done until and unless the will had failed to pass both its extrinsic and intrinsic validity. If the will is extrinsically void, the rules of intestacy apply regardless of the intrinsic validity thereof. If it is extrinsically valid, the next test is to determine its intrinsic validity that is whether the provisions of the will are valid according to the laws of succession. In this case, the court had ruled that the will of Alejandro was extrinsically valid but the intrinsic provisions thereof were void. Thus, the rules of intestacy apply as correctly held by the trial court. Therefore, it is Alejandro's children, not Lourdes (who, legally, is a mere stranger to Alejandro), who should be considered heirs.