Thursday, October 17, 2019


June 30, 2005 

Ponente: Chico-Nazario, J. 


·         Apolonio Gopuco, Jr. was the owner of Cadastral Lot No. 72 consisting of 995 square meters located in the vicinity of the Lahug Airport in Cebu City.

·         The Lahug Airport had been turned over by the Unites States Army to the Republic of the Philippines sometime in 1947.

·         In 1949, the National Airport Corporation (NAC, formerly Surplus Property Commission then Bureau of Aeronautics, later the Civil Aeronautics Administration), informed the owners of the various lots surrounding the Lahug Airport, including Gopuco, that the government was acquiring their lands for purposes of expansion. Some landowners were convinced to sell their properties on the assurance that they would be able to repurchase the same when these would no longer be used by the airport. Others, including Gopuco, refused to do so.

·         In 1952, the CAA filed a complaint with the CFI of Cebu for the expropriation of Lot No. 72 and its neighboring realties. In 1961, the CFI declared the expropriation of the subject lots, including Lot No. 72, justified and in lawful exercise of the right of eminent domain.

·         No appeal was taken from the decision on Lot No. 72, so the judgment of condemnation became final and executory. In May 1962, the absolute title to Lot No. 72 was transferred to the Republic of the Philippines.

·         In 1989, the Lahug Airport was ordered closed by then President Corazon C. Aquino when the Mactan International Airport commenced operations in the same year. Lot No. 72 was thus virtually abandoned.

·         In 1990, Gopuco sought the return of his lot. In a letter addressed to the Bureau of Air Transportation, he offered to return the money previously received by him as payment for the expropriation. This letter was ignored.

·         Also in 1990, Congress enacted RA No. 6958, creating the Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA). The law provided for the transfer of Lahug Airport's assets to the MCIAA. The ownership of Lot No. 72 was thus transferred to MCIAA.

·         In 1992, Gopuco filed an action against the Air Transportation Office and the Province of Cebu for the recovery of ownership of Lot No. 72. He argued that:

o   by virtue of the closure of the Lahug Airport, the original purpose for which the property was expropriated had ceased or otherwise been abandoned, and title to the property had therefore reverted to him;

o   when the original judgment of expropriation had been handed down, and before they could file an appeal thereto, the CAA offered them a compromise settlement whereby they were assured that the expropriated lots would be resold to them for the same price as when it was expropriated in the event that the Lahug Airport would be abandoned. Gopuco did not present any proof to substantiate this contention; and 

o   he had come across several announcements in the papers that the Lahug Airport was soon to be developed into a commercial complex, which he took to be a scheme of the Province of Cebu to make permanent the deprivation of his property. 

·         RTC: Dismissed complaint and directed Gopuco to pay the MCIAA exemplary damages, litigation expenses and costs. The planned expansion of the airport in 1949 justified the exercise of eminent domain. The fact of abandonment or closure of the Lahug Airport did not by itself, result in the reversion of the subject property back to Gopuco nor did it vest in him the right to demand reconveyance of said property.

·         CA: Reversed RTC ruling. The expropriation of the property was conditioned on its continued devotion to its public purpose. It stands to reason that should that public use be abandoned, as what had happened with Lahug Airport when it was abandoned, then the expropriated property should revert back to its former owner.

·         Hence, the instant petition.


Petition granted. CA ruling reversed. RTC ruling reinstated, with the modification that the award of exemplary damages, litigation expenses and costs are deleted.

Whether Gopuco has a right to reclaim ownership over his expropriated property upon the cessation of operations of the Lahug Airport. – NO.

·         When real property has been acquired for public use unconditionally, either by eminent domain or by purchase, the abandonment or non-use of the real property, does not ipso facto give to the previous owner of said property any right to recover the same. 

·         As applied in the present case, the fact of abandonment or closure of the Lahug Airport did not by itself, result in the reversion of the subject property back to Gopuco. Nor did it vest in him the right to demand reconveyance of said property.

When private land is expropriated for a particular public use, and that particular public use is abandoned, does the land so expropriated return to its former owner? – IT DEPENDS.

·         It depends upon the character of the title acquired by the expropriator, whether it be the State, a province, a municipality, or a corporation which has the right to acquire property under the power of eminent domain.

·         If, for example, land is expropriated for a particular purpose, with the condition that when that purpose is ended or abandoned the property shall return to its former owner, then, of course, when the purpose is terminated or abandoned the former owner reacquires the property so expropriated. If, for example, land is expropriated for a public street and the expropriation is granted upon condition that the city can only use it for a public street, then, of course, when the city abandons its use as a public street, it returns to the former owner, unless there is some statutory provision to the contrary. . . If upon the contrary, however, the decree of expropriation gives to the entity a fee simple title – as in the instant case – then of course, the land becomes the absolute property of the expropriator, whether it be the State, a province, or municipality, and in that case the non-user does not have the effect of defeating the title acquired by the expropriation proceedings.

·         When land has been acquired for public use in fee simple, unconditionally, either by the exercise of eminent domain or by purchase, the former owner retains no rights in the land, and the public use may be abandoned or the land may be devoted to a different use, without any impairment of the estate or title acquired, or any reversion to the former owner.

Did the judgment of expropriation concerning Lot No. 72 vest absolute and unconditional title in the government? – YES.

·         Gopuco: (1) There is no showing that the government benefited from entering into compromise agreements with the other lot owners; (2) the compromise agreements were discriminatory because they discriminate against those who have neither the werewithal nor the savvy to contest the expropriation, or agree to modify the judgment; and (3) there exists between the government and the owners of expropriated realty an implied contract that the properties involved will be used only for the public purpose for which they were acquired in the first place.

·         SC: The terms of the judgment in the expropriation proceedings are clear and unequivocal and granted title to Lot No. 72 in fee simple to the Republic of the Philippines. There was no condition imposed to the effect that the lot would return to Gopuco or that Gopuco had a right to repurchase the same if the purpose for which it was expropriated is ended or abandoned or if the property was to be used other than as the Lahug Airport. And although other lot owners were able to successfully reacquire their lands by virtue of a compromise agreement, since Gopuco was not a party to any such agreement, he could not validly invoke the same.

·         Compromise agreements valid: A compromise agreement, when not contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, or good customs, is a valid contract which is the law between the parties. It is a contract perfected by mere consent, whereby the parties, making reciprocal concessions, avoid litigation or put an end to one already commenced. It has the force of law and is conclusive between the parties, and courts will not relieve parties from obligations voluntarily assumed, simply because their contracts turned out to be unwise. But Gopuco has not shown that any of the compromise agreements was in any way tainted with illegality, irregularity or imprudence. Anyone who is not a party to a contract or agreement cannot be bound by its terms, and cannot be affected by it. Since Gopuco was not a party to the compromise agreements, he cannot legally invoke the same.

·         In cases of expropriation, there is no implied contract that the properties will be used only for the public purpose for which they were acquired. The only direct constitutional qualification is that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. This prescription is intended to provide a safeguard against possible abuse and so to protect as well the individual against whose property the power is sought to be enforced.

·         In the present case case, the judgment on the propriety of the taking and the adequacy of the compensation received have long become final. The terms of that judgment granted title in fee simple to the Republic of the Philippines. Moreover, Gopuco failed to adduce any evidence at all concerning a right of repurchase in his favor. Therefore, no rights to Lot No. 72, either express or implied, have been retained by Gopuco.

Nature of exproriation

·         Eminent domain is generally described as the highest and most exact idea of property remaining in the government that may be acquired for some public purpose through a method in the nature of a forced purchase by the State.

·         Also often referred to as expropriation and, with less frequency, as condemnation, it is, like police power and taxation, an inherent power of sovereignty and need not be clothed with any constitutional gear to exist; instead, provisions in our Constitution on the subject are meant more to regulate, rather than to grant, the exercise of the power. It is a right to take or reassert dominion over property within the state for public use or to meet a public exigency and is said to be an essential part of governance even in its most primitive form and thus inseparable from sovereignty.

·         In fact, all separate interests of individuals in property are held of the government under this tacit agreement or implied reservation. Notwithstanding the grant to individuals, the eminent domain, the highest and most exact idea of property, remains in the government, or in the aggregate body of people in their sovereign capacity; and they have the right to resume the possession of the property whenever the public interest so requires it.

·         The ubiquitous character of eminent domain is manifest in the nature of the expropriation proceedings. Expropriation proceedings are not adversarial in the conventional sense, for the condemning authority is not required to assert any conflicting interest in the property. Thus, by filing the action, the condemnor in effect merely serves notice that it is taking title and possession of the property, and the defendant asserts title or interest in the property, not to prove a right to possession, but to prove a right to compensation for the taking.

On why Gopuco should not be ordered to pay damages

·         There was no proof that this case was clearly unfounded or filed for purposes of harassment, or that Gopuco acted in gross and evident bad faith. The reimposition of litigation expenses and costs has no basis. It is not sound public policy to set a premium upon the right to litigate where such right is exercised in good faith, as in the present case.