Friday, July 16, 2021

For Filipinos traveling abroad during the pandemic, listen up: Here's how to apply for an International Certificate of Vaccination or 'Yellow Card'

These days, flying in or out of the country, especially for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and balikbayans, has become a mix of administrative and logistical headache.Not only do you need to undergo a battery of medical tests, fill out health-related forms, and compete with very limited flight seats, you also need to consider the requirements of your destination country.

For fully vaccinated individuals, it is important that you are able to present proof you have completed your COVID jabs. In the Philippines, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is yet to complete the Certificate of Vaccination Record Portal. This Portal is supposed to contain a complete list of all vaccinated individuals collected from submissions made by all local government units (LGUs).

But until this Portal is launched, fully vaccinated Filipinos flying to countries that require proof of vaccination may, in the meantime, request for an International Certificate of Vaccination (ICV) from the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ). The ICV, also known as "Yellow Card," is now being issued by the BOQ since July 15, 2021.

Here is the interim guidelines issued by the Department of Health (DOH) on the issuance of an ICV:

And here are the requirements and procedure on how outbound travelers from the Philippines may apply for an ICV from the Bureau of Quarantine:

 Safe travels, folks!